As we prepare to welcome students in Year 6 to the Academy for our annual Open Evening this week, I feel it is an opportune moment to remind parents and carers of the privilege of their child attending a ‘good’ school in this city and the honour and expectations that come with wearing our gold tie.

Our standards and expectations have risen over time and with one aim – to provide a place where strong achievement can take place that changes children’s lives. Only in a culture of high expectations can strong achievement take place. Some parents/carers will find their child is already on STEP report because we have concerns about their conduct affecting their progress. We have unashamedly and unapologetically high standards for our students and we expect all parents and carers to support the school in ensuring their child meets these. We do expect our students to walk into lessons in silence, sit in silence when the teacher is talking and we have a very clear Code of Conduct for students. It is all parents’ responsibility to get their child here by 8.30 – it is important to anticipate traffic or public transport disruption. There are too many children arriving late in the mornings after 8.35. We only succeed as a team and we expect parents to hold up their end of the Home School Collaboration Agreement, taking responsibility for their child’s conduct and working with us to be ‘the team’ around your child.
Unfortunately, last week I had to write a letter to all parents to remind them of our clear Parent Code of Conduct.
We understand the pressure and strain on families at the moment from a financial perspective. We have supported some families with items of uniform and will continue to offer a FREE breakfast every morning to all students who want it between 8.15-8.30. If your circumstances have changed and you wish to apply for Free School Meals, you can do this by clicking the link here. If you need support with this or anything else, feel free to drop in to the Academy on Wednesday mornings for our ‘Collaboration Coffee Morning’ which takes place each week.
It promises to be a warm week but I would encourage all parents and carers to ensure their child has a grey V-neck jumper (non-branded) as the temperatures drop later in the term. As these are non-branded, they are very affordable.
Finally, next Thursday (13th October) is our Year 7 Settling-In Evening – a first chance for parents/carers of Year 7 students to meet their child’s tutor and discuss how they have settled at JQA. I have been very impressed with the start our Year 7 students have made to life at secondary school. I look forward to welcoming parents/carers of Year 7 students and a letter will come out shortly to formally invite you to the event.
As always, you can call the Academy on 0121 729 7220, leaving a message if lines are busy and we will get back to you.
You can always contact me directly this week at: [email protected]