It was brilliant to see some sporting successes at the school last week with victories coming in our King Edward’s School Sports Partnership events. We saw a triumph in basketball over St George’s and also medals picked up by boys and girls in the Sports Hall athletics event. Congratulations to all. Some pictures of these events are on our socials.
Attendance is continuing to hold firm during this period and I’d like to say a huge thank you to parents and carers who make sure their child attends every day on time. We have noticed a particular pattern with students on certain days and will be working to address this with families.
It was also great to see so many positive points awarded in our Black Friday positive promotion last week!
We have a busy week with the Hippodrome project and rehearsals for CORE Us and the forthcoming Echo Eternal performance in January. We also have an Art trip to the Forest of Dean this week.
All events are on our calendar on the website. Parents of Year 11 will have noticed it will shortly be Year 11 Parents’ Evening. This takes place on Thursday 7th December from 4.30-6.30 and the online appointment booking form will shortly open.
We also have our Work Experience assembly for Year 10 students on Tuesday this week and mentoring with Made Mentors also continues on Wednesday and Thursday for students. Year 7 swimming continues today as normal.
We are inducting new members of the pastoral team and will shortly be introducing these new staff to students.
As always, you can call the Academy on 0121 729 7220, leaving a message if the line is busy and we will get back to you. Our line is very busy in the daytime so I encourage parents to use the voicemail facility by pressing option 2. If you would like urgent support, you can always reach Miss Chudasama (our Designated Safeguarding Lead) on option 4.
You can always contact me directly at: [email protected]