As we head into the last week, I’d like to thank all parents for their support. We held our termly Parent Symposium last Tuesday and the recording is here in case you missed it. Our termly survey is open and closes on Thursday. One randomly selected respondent will receive a £25 Tesco voucher on Friday for the holidays.
A highlight of last week was welcoming our newest gems to the Academy. Our new Year 7 students join us from a range of different primary schools across the city and spent their first day with us doing sport, baking, art and learning the school song. It was heart-warming for the parents who picked them up in the afternoon to hear them sing our school song, which will be sung by all gems in September to open assemblies. We look forward to seeing them again in the gold tie in September!
Also last week, I was humbled and privileged to receive the ‘Leader of The Year’ award from the Titan Partnership, a consortium of around 30 schools in the inner city areas of Birmingham, on Tuesday in recognition for the work we continue to do to develop our school together.

We’re excited for Year 10 students who have embarked on a week of Work Experience through the company Learn To Work and we look forward to hearing all about it in September. We have our annual Sports Day on Tuesday and, although it looks like being a bit wet, it promises to be as competitive as ever for students in Key Stage 3. A reminder that all students are dismissed from 2.10 on Sports Day.
We also have our Summer Show on Thursday and parents are invited to attend. It starts at 6pm and showcases all of the drama and music highlights this year, particularly from our partnerships with the Hippodrome and Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.
On Wednesday, we will be practising for a lockdown scenario. This is routine and standard and students are very used to this. We will never be complacent with student and staff safety.
I’d like to thank all parents of Year 7 students who came along to our Parents’ Evening on Thursday of last week. It was good to see you all on the front desk!
It’s a week of Rewards Assemblies this week with much to celebrate, including our Attendance ‘Golden Ticket’ raffle on Friday morning. Students leave at 12.30 on Friday.
As we look ahead to the end of term, I’d like to signpost the opportunities available over the Summer. I have attached a letter from WMP about safety over the Sumemr which I urge all parents to read.
The Summer holidays bring a lot of opportunities for our students to get involved in local clubs via the Bring It On Brum programme. Activities include sports, dance, arts, crafts and music and all clubs offer children a free lunch too. More information is in this letter here: and families can start booking their children into clubs by going to Our unique sign up code is: 3304016.
Reception will remain open from 8am until 4pm over the Summer. As always, you can call the Academy on 0121 729 7220, leaving a message if the line is busy and we will get back to you. Our line is very busy in the daytime so I encourage parents to use the voicemail facility by pressing option 2.
Our [email protected] email address is also monitored over the Summer as is the Sharp System for students to request support.
Students return to the Academy in full school uniform on Tuesday 5th September and I will of course be in touch over the Summer to give full details of the arrangements and to remind parents of the importance of uniform, including PE kit, for the return of their child to the Academy.
Our newsletter is published on Friday and will be a round-up of all the highlights from this half term.