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The bus strikes that affected so many students last week are off and normal service has been resumed from today – it’s great to see buses back on the roads. I have heard stories of children organising car pools via social media, travelling on the tram network together for the first time and meeting up to walk sometimes 45 minutes or more together. It has been inspiring to see the determination of children to get here.

CORE Extra resumes as normal on Tuesday so all students will leave at 4.10. It is a full week of learning up to 3.10 on Friday 31st March – it is important students attend every day on time and we have alerted any parents whose child is in danger of falling below 90% to make sure they attend on time and every day this week.

It’s Rewards assemblies all this week and we also have moved our ‘Golden Table’ award to 24 Carat Bistro back to after the holidays to enable those who are fasting to access this brilliant rewards opportunity.

I’d like to thank parents who came along to the termly Symposium last week. A video recording of the event is available here via MS Teams and you will need your child’s username and password to access. The termly Parent survey is still live and closes on at the end of Thursday 30th March. One respondent will receive the £25 Tesco voucher on Friday as a gesture of thanks for completing the survey.

A reminder that it is the final Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Thursday so please make sure you have booked appointments; we are looking forward to seeing all students’ parents after the recent set of mock exams and as we enter the last leg of the Year 11 journey. Year 11 students will be picking up their latest mock exam results on Tuesday morning.

We have installed a new phone system after parent feedback with more lines at the Academy. The old system only had one line and rang out if the line was busy, meaning parents believed our phones were not answered. Hopefully, the new system will give parents better access to staff.

It’s a busy last week at the Academy with Year 10 involved in Debate Mate and the Speak Out Challenge and Year 8 students taking part in a Football Beyond Borders competition at Rockwood Academy.

Please take time to read all about these events and more in our latest newsletter which comes out on Friday.

There are still opportunities to sign up for clubs over the Easter holidays: we have an opportunity for students to join the club at Fearless with a free lunch each day of the club too. If you are interested in your child joining this club, email [email protected] for an application form. If you would like to book for Domin8 in Handsworth, you can do this directly at: and find other holiday clubs too.

A reminder that there is a staff Training Day on Monday 17th April 2023. All students return on Tuesday 18th April 2023 for 8.30 in full school uniform.

As always, you can call the Academy on 0121 729 7220, leaving a message if you don’t get through and we will get back to you. If you would like urgent support, you can always reach Mr Bibb (our Designated Safeguarding Lead) on option 4. The office is open from 8am-4pm during the Easter holidays.

You can always contact me directly at: [email protected]