Good news: we can finally share the report of our recent Ofsted inspection and we couldn’t be prouder of the progress we have made together over the last three years. JQA is officially a ‘GOOD’ school in all areas!
I have attached a link to the full Ofsted report here for all parents and carers.
There is so much to celebrate in the report and we will certainly do that with our students today. However, there is still much more to do to reach the highest standards that our children deserve. We now have a platform to move JQA on even further.

It’s a busy week across the Academy this week: as one cohort of ‘gems’ leave JQA, we look forward to welcoming another. It was lovely to see moments of joy and celebration as staff and students in Year 11 took part in our Leavers’ Lunch on Wednesday. We look forward to seeing Year 11 again at the Prom on 14th July. We are looking forward to welcoming Year 6 students on Wednesday for the city-wide Transition Day.
Our Year 10 students enjoyed a trip to Sandwell College last week and it was also great to see our Year 9 cricket team defeating Aston Manor – we have some superb cricketers at JQA.
It was wonderful to see some of our students at Wimbledon on Saturday. Our students who are part of CORE, Us took part in the ‘Voices Of Our City’ event at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire on Wednesday. It was great to see them perform on stage with other students from across CORE Education Trust.
I wish all families celebrating at the weekend ‘Eid Mubarak’!
As always, please call us on 0121 729 7220, leaving a message if lines are busy, and we will support you.
You can always contact me directly at: [email protected]