‘Eid Mubrarak’ to all our families celebrating Eid today as the moon was sighted yesterday evening. We are fortunate that the end of Ramadan has fallen over a bank holiday weekend this year and as the celebrations are taking place today on Bank Holiday Monday it presents an opportunity for us to ensure our children do not miss out on any more learning, after having time to celebrate with family today. We therefore expect ALL students to return to the Academy for 8.30 on Tuesday 3rd May.
As the Summer Term progresses, it is vital that Year 11 students in particular are here everyday and attending their additional sessions to make the most of the time they have left before the exam series begins. It was wonderful to see Year 11 students attending Science sessions on Saturday and the after-school sessions have started well too. A timetable for all Summer exams is here to help you to plan revision activities with your child.
Thank you to the parents and carers who completed the Spring Term survey. One of the highlights of the survey was that 93% of respondents said they would recommend JQA to another family. We always listen to feedback and one of the points to continue to improve the communication between home and school was to produce some videos on how best to support your child at home. The first of these will be uploaded and shared this week.
We look forward to welcoming parents of Year 10 students to the Academy on Thursday evening between 4pm and 6.30pm for Parents’ Evening. Appointments are booked via our online booking system here and it is important we have these conversations ahead of Year 11 to share progress and next steps.

The term dates for the next academic year are now live on our website and we will be adding all of our important events for 2022/23 to our online calendar ahead of September. A reminder that there is a scheduled Training Day next Monday (9th May 2022) and students should not attend the Academy. We also have a Year 7 Parents’ Evening coming up on 19th May and the opportunity to book appointments online for that event will be live next week. Other events this half term include Mental Health awareness week and also the annual ‘Thank A Teacher Day’ where we encourage students to give out ‘gold stars’ and write thank you messages to staff.
Last week, we welcomed one of our governors, Josie Wall, to the Academy to give all students an assembly on the heritage of the Jewellery Quarter. We are proud of our city centre location and constantly encourage our students to connect with the vibrant history of the area.
The governors also upheld a permanent exclusion for a student in Year 8 who persistently broke our clear Code of Conduct. That student will not return to JQA and I will never tolerate learning being disrupted for our students. All parents are expected to support the Code of Conduct and the Academy.
Trutex, one of our uniform providers based in Erdington, have provided us with a discount voucher for all parents. To use the voucher, just click on it and show it to staff. I encourage all parents to ensure their child has every item of uniform ahead of September, including the Academy PE kit.
As always, please call us on 0121 729 7220, leaving a message if lines are busy, and we will support you.
You can always contact me directly at: [email protected]